Monday 7 May 2012


This month is going to be quite a busy one since I plan to carry out a case study with my students and perhaps even with my colleagues to test out the interface. This of course means I will have to put everything together, with a few missing videos which can then be added in June / July. I have also rethought the sound of the application. The problem was that if I was to do a chance process for the sound creation, it would not have any link whatsoever with the videos. At the same time a direct link would be too controlled. For this reason I have found a sound person whom I will meet in the coming weeks and we can discuss how to create sound generated from the videos through a chance process. At the moment I'm thinking of what the starting point could be, perhaps the waveform from the story recordings.

I have also been thinking about the link between the water colours and the videos, since this was not clear before my assessment for Unit 1. My initial idea was to combine video and abstract animation, and by observing films such as Tree of Life and Enter the void, where animated visuals accompany film, I thought it would be interesting to have some kind of moving water colour to distract from the stories. Although these water colours are disassociated from the stories, their sound will have come from a chance process applied to the recorded stories. In my case study I am interested to see how the user will play with the interface and the links they generate between sounds and visuals that are related in some way but appear and disappear through a chance algorithm and in a database environment. I want to see if they can find some kind of meaning in what they are seeing, and to observe their behaviour and level of interest.

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