Friday 17 June 2011

A day of filming

So today I left to St.Julians with my friend who will be helping me with the filming. We filmed several shots based on one of the stories. We came back and I tried to superimpose the shots onto my latest animation. Some pretty interesting effects were evident and the animation is much more dynamic with footage implemented within it. In this particular story I wanted the figure to be anonymous, and to never show his face. I'm thinking this would be quite appropriate for all the stories since the figures in the story might have a recording of another story which is not theirs; a story where they don't belong (further brainstorming needed).

Here are some screenshots from today's footage:

back lit
sun covering face
walking behind at night
Adding moving Bokeh to animation
I have also downloaded a video of two people kissing for another story (that I recorded yesterday). I exported the video as an image sequence (1 pic for every 3 frames) and I will be trying out some traditional frame by frame drawings as soon as I find my home-made light table!

I've added another tag to my blog 'Documentation' this is different from 'Experimentation' because I have now actually started collecting material which might actually be used in my project. Experimentation will be left for tutorials, sketches and other short experiments with software / Processing etc...

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