Tuesday, 27 September 2011

New footage, reading..

Unedited screenshots from new footage. Still reading Modular Narratives in Contemporary Cinema. I still haven't started writing yet, but the more I read the more I am seeing a clear structure of what I can write; I just need to put it down on paper (and by paper I mean Word)

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Edits and reading

Cinema 4D Exploding / Randomised Sphere
I'm trying to finish a second edit on one of the stories. I spent today trying to get an interesting effect using an exploding sphere. I chopped up the animated sphere similar to how I chopped up the footage. It still needs reworking but here's a preview of what I've done so far. I've not shifted the edits from Premiere to After Effects i.e. much more flexibility, yet a slower workflow.

As for my essay... I have finished reading the book on Chance and have continued reading 'Modular Narratives in Contemporary Cinema'. This book is taking a while to read since it is extremely interesting to read, whilst also being very relevant to my paper. At the moment I'm reading about how Lev Manovich believes that database and narrative are two completely different dimensions, and yet the author thinks otherwise. Have to admit I am very much enjoying this process...

Thursday, 15 September 2011


I'm trying to incorporate some 3D triangles ... essentially 2 exploding spheres.. it needs to be a longer sequence and perhaps a larger sphere. I would like to incorporate more 3D and more traditional media with the footage. 

Monday, 12 September 2011

Getting Out of One's Own Body

A few screenshots from the latest edit. This one is begging for some After Effects - but it will have to wait until I create some new traditional material and / or transfer my collages from my laptop.. So far it is simply layering in Premiere and messing around with layer transparency options. All shots were filmed using a static tripod and camera (except for the close ups of the pegs).

As for the Reading - I have 'finished' Story and Discourse - and I put it in inverted comas because I did not actually finish it, since the last two chapters were about 'character' and 'setting' - not really relevant to my paper so I skipped them after skimming through a couple of pages. I have now resumed reading 'Chance - Documents of Contemporary Art'.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

An interesting thought

"Are we forever condemned to Aristotle’s moral presuppositions, no matter how poorly they fit modern characters or situations? It not, how shall we go about finding new and more adequate taxonomic features? And at the other pole, how do we guard against runaway proliferation. What is our instrument of control? How we find our way amid so many potential variables with so few persuasive diagnostic tests?" 

From Story and Discourse, Narrative Structure in Fiction and Film by Seymour Chatman - P89

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Experiments - Click pictures for a larger view

 Screenshots from my latest experiment. Two videos superimposed, fireworks overlayed in the second one.

This week I will finish reading "Story and Discourse. Narrative Structure in Fiction and Film" by Seymour Chatman, where I found some very relevant material for my research paper.