Saturday 16 April 2011

Open-ended is exciting.

100 stories.

50 stories will be recorded.
50 will be translated into videos / pictures & visuals.

One of my colleagues who teaches Fine Arts just came by my flat and we were discussing this idea about getting people to tell me their stories; traumatic, funny, happy, sad... my problem was - what will my visuals be about?

I came to the conclusion that half of my stories will be used as inspirations for the visuals. The other half will be used as sound. What I will be doing now is start gathering stories through various people and start deciding which ones I'm going to keep as sound, and which ones will become videos (not literal, but more as inspiration). I will also be looking for some different contexts - artists who have worked with similar themes.

The end result will be a random story recording + a random video/visual + random music (music will be tackled after september)

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