Sunday 9 October 2011


I have just been looking through the new Dynamic Views in Blogger and must say most look much better than the one I am currently using... the only problem is the label / tagging system... perhaps this will be fixed in the future, but until then I'm sticking with the 'old' layout for the sake of clear organisation.

So.. at the moment I am still editing footage every once in a while but I am mostly just reading and structuring my research paper which is due next month. I have been reading Aristotle's Poetics for Screenwriters - which I found to be slightly useful but mostly just a guide to 'sell your script to Hollywood' not really what I was looking for. I will be reading the real Poetics tomorrow (well, some of them at least!)

I have read Lev Manovich's Cinema and Digital Media and
Database as a Symbolic Form.
Moving Image after computerization - extending traditional elements of cinema
Steve Anderson's Select and Combine: The Rise of Database Narratives.
Doors to the Labyrinth by Marsha Kinder

I have read Modular Narratives by Allan Cameron
Chance from Documents of Contemporary Art
Parts of Cinema of Outsiders by Emanuel Levy
Part of Silence - John Cage
David Lynch - Catching the Big Fish
Story and Discourse by Seymour Chatman

There might be others but I have left some books at my workplace so I'll add these later...

Most of the transcripts are ready.
Before I go full-on writing I wish to read parts of Semiotics, the basics by Daniel Chandler and Mass Mediauras by Samuel Weber.
I also have a couple of links to articles in my favourites which I have to go through..

Just a screenshot of the plan I have been following:

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