Tuesday 11 October 2011

Testing with multiple recordings

Working and studying at the same time means having little time to think about my Masters project. Most of the time I brainstorm and generate ideas on my way to and from work (30mins  + 30mins = 1 hour daily) which is not bad. So this was an idea I had today coming back from work - what would happen if I had more than one recording going on at the same time? The recordings were slashed randomly and placed in at random points in time. (I don't want to go into the psychological reasoning behind how random these actually were but let's just say they were given little to no thought). This isn't the point anyway - I wanted to figure our how confusing they would sound. As you can see I even slashed words in half, which I must say - produced a nice effect and yet of course, meaning is compromised.

This is the main difficulty here; the aural effect is much more interesting, the recordings almost form part of the minimal music at the background, however meaning is pushed back to make space for this 'effect'. I will surely need to test this to see what the viewer thinks.

The editing of this is not complete, like all other videos I have posted so far. I like exporting incomplete videos though, and often these end up being much more 'alive' than the finished work. I think it's something about the database aesthetic; it cannot be forced.

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