Sunday 23 January 2011

Updated Proposal

I've updated my proposal yet again, this time focusing on my methodology which needed further clarification and using the APA style. My new proposal can be accessed here. My work plan will be updated tomorrow and I will re-upload the document.

It has been a very frustrating week because I have not managed to get as much work done as I had hoped due to commitments at work. I have managed to find some time to experiment with video and collage in After Effects and have also found a good camera to buy when I need to do some filming for the project. I'm almost done reading Women of the Beat Generation - but very far from done reading Silencing the Sounded Self.

On a happier note; updating my proposal gave me a clearer image of how I will be testing my project - I need to start looking for a 'test' room which I can use every time I want to collect data.

Next week is Processing week - let's hope I can at least cover half of the Processing book.

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