Monday 11 July 2011

Reflective Writing on Chat Session - 11/07/2011

Today's chat was extremely helpful. I thought it would be much harder to formulate a (decent) research question, but with all the guidelines our tutor forwarded to us, it should be quite an interesting process.

I am intrigued by the idea of planning my essay around selected works or key figures. At first I thought David Lynch, Michel Gondry and Chris Cunningham would be interesting to look at altogether. They have many things in common amongst themselves and also with my project. Moreover I'm a big fan of their work so it would be easier and more natural for me to write about them.

The title could tackle disengagement, surrealism, non-linear narrative, dream-like sequences etc...
I do wish to somehow include the philosophical ideas of John Cage in the picture, and also references to the Beat movement. This is something I need to think about. The Beat movement would be easy to incorporate through the essay, however John Cage's idea is more about the openness of an artist, and his works are much more minimal - although I do see a connection with the other figures somewhere.

Something else I wanted to research was the concept of closure in film and animation - not sure where this could fit into the research question - perhaps it could just be a sub-title somewhere, rather than a main focus.

Either way, these were my thoughts after today's chat - hopefully in the coming days/weeks I will be developing and finalising my research question.

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